(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
-------------------------------- coda-src/venus/vol_repair.cc in int repvol::ConnectedRepair(VenusFid *RepairFid, char *RepairFile, uid_t uid, VolumeId *RWVols, int *ReturnCodes) I am not sure what is the role of VenusFid *rFid which is assigned from RepairFid and they are referenced interchangeably, their values do not seem to ever diverge (?) -------------------------------- coda-src/librepair/repio.cc in int repair_parseline(char *line, struct repair *rs) has a variable conspicuously called int localhost = 0; and used exactly once: return localhost; which means "success". -------------------------------- I guess both are historical artifacts and should be removed. Correct? RuneReceived on 2014-08-10 12:04:25