Coda File System

support on various platforms (Re: Coda on FreeBSD)

From: <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 16:21:54 +0100
On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 01:41:06PM -0400, Jan Harkes wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 02:56:20PM +0100, wrote:
> > Kernel support for Coda under FreeBSD 11.x+ is now in quite a good shape
> > (thanks to the work of Edward Napierala at FreeBSD and to the support
> > from Chalmers University of Technology).
> That is good news. I noticed the kernel support got dropped, so I
> stopped trying to make sure things still built on FreeBSD.

FreeBSD packaging:

Would you be interested to update the existing coda client FreeBSD "port"
to your latest userspace code? Edward would be the suitable contact person.

This would give the FreeBSD users a straightforward Coda client package
and also be useful as a portability check of the new code.

(Also, do you or somebody else keep the corresponding NetBSD userland
package up to date?)

As for other concerned parties, the Chalmers University, with its
long term Coda deployment, maintains a Coda version with some extra
features and with a different packaging. It runs non-upstream code
on all the three supported platforms and hence is not involved in any
platform-specific builds of upstream.

Regrettably, this is unlikely to change unless the features (transparent
support for Kerberos and for multiple authentication authorities per Coda
realm, also server mobility) will be merged with or otherwise implemented
in upstream.

Another platform:

A long time ago there was at CMU an interrupted attempt to implement
Coda client support natively on (then) modern Windows.

If current Windows versions did not make it much harder, it might make
sense to ask the Chalmers University whether they'd be interested
to sponsor the completion of that work. Would CMU be interested to
contribute to such an effort? Would someone with the necessary competence
be available for this?

Received on 2019-02-06 10:23:00