Coda File System

Coda Support for Windows XP

The Coda project now supports Windows XP. As of September 15, 2005, there is a beta release of the Coda client for Windows XP. There is also alpha release for Windows 2000 included in the binary distribution for Windows XP.

Binary Distribution

The binary distribution of the Coda Client for Windows XP consists of a single install binary. The executables are located in the Windows distribution directory. The beta 1 distribution is the most current distribution. (MD5 checksum is found here .)

To run the Coda Client, you must also install a copy of the Cygwin environment. The Coda Client distribution binary gives you more details and also contains a copy of the Cygwin setup program. The Coda project maintains a mirror of Cygwin that contains binaries of Cygwin that are know to work with the Coda client and some core Coda binaries. The most recent release of Cygwin is know to cause some minor problems for Coda. Following the instructions in the Coda Client install program should get you a correct copy of Cygwin installed on your machine.

Source Distribution

For the first time in the Windows NT client distribution history we are now able to provide a source distribution for the kernel module. This is due an agreement between OSR (Open Systems Resources, Inc) and CMU in which OSR will provide a Coda specific version of their FSDK (File Systems Development Kit for Windows NT family of operating systems) to users of Coda at no cost. This is a major gift from OSR to the Coda community. This Coda specific version of their FSDK must be used ONLY WITH CODA. The rest of this document will cover the resources and methods needed to rebuild the Windows NT family kernel modules.

Covered Operating Systems

The Coda kernel module for the Windows NT family currently has support only for NT 5.0 (aka Windows 2000) and NT 5.1 (aka Windows XP). OSRs FSDK currently has support for NT 4.0, but the Coda kernel module uses Windows routines that were introduced in NT 5.0 and will not work on NT 4.0. (OSR will soon be dropping support for NT 4.0.)

Source Code from CMU

The source code for the Coda kernel module is found at . ( MD5 ). This contains all the source needed to rebuild the kernel module, two Windows specific binaries and the distribution .exe.

OSR FSDK library

A critical component for building the Windows kernel module is the FSDK library from OSR . To obtain a copy of the FSDK you must "order" a copy from OSR and agree to their licensing terms for the FSDK. This special version of FSDK for Coda only is graciously offered free of charge for non-commercial work. Please visit their Coda FSDK ordering page.

Build requirements

You will need extra Microsoft software to be able to build the Coda kernel module from source code. Specifically, you will need some kind of subscription to MSDN. If you are a member of a college or university Computer Science Department, you can order MSDNAA which gives your department inexpensive access to the MSDN services and software. For others, you will need to purchase a copy of MSDN Professional.

Build process

The build process is covered in detail in the file "Building" which is contained in the root directory of the kernel module source tree.