rpc2tcpdump is the regular tcpdump, which is modified to decode rpc2 protocol headers. This makes it a very useful tool for analyzing why programs fail to work.
To be able to debug programs that use RVM, most coda related application will go into an endless sleep when something goes really wrong. They print their process-id in the log (f.i. venus.log or SrvLog ), and a user can attach a debugger to the crashed, but still running, program.
# gdb /usr/sbin/venus `pidof venus`
This makes it possible to get a stack backtrace ( where ), go to a specific stack frame ( frame x ), or view the contents of variables, ( print varname ). By installing the coda sources in same place as where the binaries were initially built from, it is possible to view the surrounding code fragment from within the debugger using the list .
When using RedHat Linux rpms, you can install the sources in the right place by installing the coda source rpm file.
# rpm -i coda-x.x.x.src.rpm # rpm -bp /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/coda.spec
On other platforms look at the paths reported in the backtrace and unpack the source tarball in the correct place.
(gdb) where #0 CommInit () at /usr/local/src/coda-5.3.6/coda-src/venus/comm.cc:175 #1 0x80fa8c3 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffda4) at /usr/local/src/coda-5.3.6/coda-src/venus/venus.cc:168 (gdb) quit # cd /usr/local/src # tar -xvzf coda-5.3.6.tgz