This is a step-by-step example of the administrative steps involved in adding a new user to Coda. Here we assume that the host named scm is one that has the read-write copy of the databases. The new user is going to be added to the groups Users and Developers.
root@scm# pdbtool pdbtool > nui jan 768 pdbtool > n jan USER jan * id: 768 * belongs to no groups * cps: [ 768 ] * owns no groups pdbtool > n Users GROUP Users OWNED BY System * id: -221 * owner id: 777 * belongs to no groups * cps: [ -221 ] * has members: [ 22 178 184 303 545 697 822 823 835 894 712 738 * 777 901 902 ] pdbtool > n Developers GROUP Developers OWNED BY System * id: -225 * owner id: 777 * belongs to no groups * cps: [ -225 ] * has members: [ 122 835 ] pdbtool > ag -221 768 pdbtool > ag -225 768 pdbtool > n jan USER jan * id: 768 * belongs to groups: [ -221 -225 ] * cps: [ -221 -225 768 ] * owns no groups pdbtool > q
This sequence has created the new user account, and added the account to the appropriate groups. Now in order to activate the account, we need to set an initial password with the authentication server.
admin@anymachine$ au -h scm nu Your Vice Name: codaadmin Your Vice Password: ******** New User Name: jan New User Password: newpassword
To finish up, we can create a home volume, mount it, set the ACLs, and the user is set up. So all the user needs to do is change his password.
root@scm# createvol_rep users:jan E0000100 /vicepa admin@anymachine$ cfs mkm /coda/usr/jan users:jan admin@anymachine$ cfs sa /coda/usr/jan jan all jan@anymachine$ cpasswd -h scm