Coda File System

6.2. Linux and the BSD's: running venus, the client cache manager

Once the binaries and documentation are installed, configuration of venus is identical for all platforms when venus-setup is used. To run the script, type:

venus-setup {comma,seperated,list,of,servers} {cache_size_in_kilobytes}

The venus-setup script does all the hard work, it will setup the coda control files, create /dev/cfs0 to communicate with the kernel, ... It also initializes a directory for cache files. In your first Coda run we recommend a small cache, say 20MB. The cache size should be at least 10Meg, typically 60-200Meg is used. Do not go above 300Meg. All the files created will be placed under /usr/coda . You should make sure that there is enough space in the file system on which /usr/coda resides to hold a fully populated cache.

For example, venus-setup micky,minnie,goofy 40000 will setup up venus to look for the set of servers micky , minnie and goofy and configure it to use 40MB of disk space for caching. This information is kept in /etc/coda/venus.conf . We strongly recommend that you initially try your client against first, and keep the cache size to 20000.

Start venus with venus & . An -init flag can be given when venus is started to flush the local cache contents. Installation procedure performed by venus-setup forces venus to inititialize cache upon first startup. The -init flag can be given if Coda cannot recover it's cache after a crash or after re-editing the venus.conf file manually.

Observe the venus log with tail -f /usr/coda/etc/console , it will tell you when venus has started. Use codacon to see the actions of the client in more detail, such as the communication between venus and the codaservers .

It is possible to see the upcalls from the kernel to venus by turning up logging, but they are not very interesting. (To turn on minimal debugging, type vutil -d 1 and then tail -f /usr/coda/coda.cache/venus.log .)

To halt venus, type:


vutil shutdown


umount /coda  #(Linux only)

Or you can kill -9 venus, if you must.
Note Linux
  • Before restarting venus, /coda must be unmounted. If umounting /coda gives trouble, make sure to exit all process that hang on to the Coda filesystem, e.g. by having files open or being cd'd into /coda. A utility like lsof and fuser can help with this.

  • /proc/fs/coda has interesting Coda statistics.

  • You can enable kernel debugging with vutil -kdebug 4095 and call tracing with vutil ktrace 1 . The messages appear in /var/log/messages .