Coda File System

6.3. Windows 95: Starting and Configuring a Coda client

During installation you will be prompted for the IP address of your Coda server(s). Enter this as indicated.

CodaStart. The CodaStart is a Win32 windows-based application to control and observe the Windows 95 Coda client. It will be enhanced in the future. For now it provides a convenient way to start venus.exe . It also displays the kernel-venus communication for debugging purposes. Printing the messages can be stopped by unticking the Monitor check box. The Reset button clears the display.

When you start venus for the first time, or you want to reinitialize its cache, tick the Init venus check box. This will start venus with the -init and -cf 1500 flag set. To add or override flags use the Configure button. Start venus by clicking the left Start button. The 'Status' message will tell you 'Running' when venus starts.

Coda will be mounted automatically on the drive specified in the C:\usr\coda\etc\vstab file. vstab is created by the installer.

To unmount, type cfs uk in a DOS window. This will cleanly shut down venus as well.

You are now ready to browse through the Coda filesystem using the explorer!


In some installations the DPMI DOS Extender window suspends when it is not active. In this case untick the window property Properties - > Misc - > Background - > Always Suspend . If it is unticked, ticking and unticking it again might help. Also untick the Termination flag, to allow Coda to automatically shutdown, when the system shuts down. For your convenience tick the Close on Exit check box in the Program tab.