(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
On Mon, Dec 13, 1999 at 07:14:00PM +0100, Kurt Huwig wrote: > We have a machine here with 16G diskspace and another with 40G+. > Physical RAM is 64/128MB. How much physical RAM do we need to have it > work fine? It is the amount of VM that matters, with the private mmapings there should be a lot less disk trashing when the RVM size exceeds the amount of physical ram, as unmodified pages are not swapped out/in but simply paged in from the RVM data file. One problem we still have is that on linux it is not yet possible to do a private mmap of a raw device, but hopefully that will be resolved soon in the development kernels. Talk about implementing it has already started. > BTW: > > 1. Where do I get a sample 'config.tape'-file for backup testing? Ehh, config.tape, I don't thing we have one, ah yes... This is the one on our backup server. -8<-------------------------------------------------------- sleep_interval 200 backupmachine dvorak.coda.cs.cmu.edu notify "/usr/sbin/zwrite -v -d -n -c backup -i coda " #message "echo " message "mail -s 'Backup notification' admin_at_coda.cs.cmu.edu" -8<-------------------------------------------------------- These are the configurable options and their defaults: dbdir "/vice/db" labelsdb "/vice/db/TAPELABELS" sleep_interval 200 notify_cutoff 5 maxretries 25 backupmachine undefined message undefined notify undefined > 2. The current windows95-client crashes in 'clog' after entering the > password. I know, haven't checked what the cause is yet. It is possible to generate a tokenfile with `tokentool' and use that one from the commandline with "-fromfile token", so it is either the parsing/reading of the password, or the RPC message sent to the auth2 server. JanReceived on 1999-12-13 14:12:04