Coda File System


From: <>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 1998 14:07:46 -0400
  Now that I've given up on the server, I'm playing with the client.

  I did a hoard "add /coda/playground/thoth d+", a cfs disconnect, and built
some software.  I can't seem to get my client to reconnect (cfs reconnect,
and cfs writereconect don't seem to do the job, or they're so slow I can't
tell they're working).

  Anyway, this is showing up in my codacon.

[ H(07) : 0007 : 14:00:18 ] binding::~binding:  somebody forgot to decrement before delete

  I'm sure the difference between a descendent and a child is mentioned
somewhere in the coda docs, but it wasn't in the hoard man page.

Bob Forsman                         
Received on 1998-04-24 14:12:09