Coda File System

Re: group permission

From: <>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 12:16:16 -0400 said:
| > We find /coda/tmp really handy around our cluster.  No tokens
| > needed, available everywhere.
| (religious comment: this is just plain wrong)
| Do you have a need for sticky bits there?

I completely agree with the observation that a directory for scratch 
files etc. (like the local /tmp in unix system) is plain wrong in a
distributed fs. The only justifiably case would possibly be a diskless
client, but even there every client would have it's own /tmp-<hostname>.

Besides, Coda will never be diskless,  because it needs a local disk
for caching, and it can just as well have a small root filesystem, and
share the things in /usr, and /home, and a few files in /etc. For the
rest (/var, /tmp), store them locally, no problems with lockfiles etc.

| > Also, the sticky bit issue applies to mail as well as tmp: it
| > needs a solution.

| Shared mail directories are not good. Infact, normal unix mailboxes
| are not good at all. This is just another incarnation of the NFS mail
| export problem.

| Suggested solutions: use POP or put the mail directly into the users
| home directory.

Yes, just have the mailer deliver to /coda/usr/<username>/Mail/, and
use an ACL to give the mail daemon rights to that directory. (and use 
maildir format to avoid conflicts).

Received on 1999-04-30 12:19:54