(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
Film at 11: My codasrv is a redhat 5.2 box, and venus is on the former 5.2 laptop, which i just took to 6.0...and venus won't start. error is: coda_psdev_write: downcall, no SB! Will my old version work, or do I need an upgrade? Will it work with the old server? File integrity isn't an issue...I have backups. What do I need to do to codasrv and venus to make a 6.0 laptop work with 5.2 box? Thanks in advance...don't know if my subscription has kicked in yet, so private Cc:s would be nice. -- Michael D. Ivey, Dir. of Software Development | "Without censorship, REALM Information Technologies | things can get terribly ivey_at_realminfo.com | confused in the public http://realminfo.com/~ivey/ | mind." - Gen. WestmorelandReceived on 1999-04-30 16:04:12