Coda File System

Re: Unknown RPC2 return code 103

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 19:58:29 -0400
On Sat, Jun 24, 2000 at 01:51:23AM +0200, Juergen Arndt wrote:
> > The server tries to match it's directories in the vicetab file, but as
> > /etc/hosts is bad it couldn't find any. Restart the server after fixing
> > that file.
> yes, that's the solution, thanks a lot. but now, stepping further, a new
> problem approached:
> # createvol_rep coda:root E0000100 /var/vicepa
> Servers are (wotan )
> HexGroupId is 7F000005
> creating volume coda:root.0 on wotan
> V_BindToServer: binding to host
> Volume 1000005 (coda:root.0) created 
> Fetching /var/vice/vol/Volumelist from servers:
> Date: Sat 06/24/2000
> 00:32:52 Fetch failed with Permission denied
> updatefetch failed with Permission denied
> wotan - FAILED, check if updatesrv is running

Hmm that is funny, I thought updatefetch would use the same
file as the updatesrv is using, or.... It could be a problem that it's
in /var/vice/vol instead of /vice/vol, there are still a bunch of
hardcoded paths all over the place.

It shouldn't matter much, copy /var/vice/vol/VolumeList to
/var/vice/vol/remote/wotan.list and run `'.

> <echo coda:root 7F000005       1  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E0000100 >>
> /var/vice/vol/VRList>

This is also not good, probably went wrong because the previous step
failed. Edit /var/vice/vol/VRList so that it looks like this:

coda:root 7F000005       1 1000005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E0000100
			    ^^^^^^ this number is missing.

and run `volutil makevrdb /vice/vol/VRList'. After that the rootvolume
should be accessible for the client.

> many thanks and a nice weekend - juergen

Same to you,
Received on 2000-06-23 20:12:49