(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
Hi, We are setting up the production server now, and I am planning partition sizes. Going through the various docs I found several figure for RVM Log and Data sizes... Data size seems to be consistently 4% of coda storage size. But in the section "The Log Partition" in the document www.coda.cs.cmu.edu/doc/html/manual/x1657.html#RVMLOGPARTITION LOG is the same 90M size than Data. Is that a typo ? We'd like to use the following Partitions, with a single server serving some 8 Laptops: Partition StoragePurpose Mounted Size Whether fscked sda6 RVM Log Not 30M No hda5 RVM Data Not 400M No hda6 Coda FS Data0 /vicepa 4G Yes hda7 Coda FS Data1 /vicepb 4G Yes So, is the Log area way too small ??? Does anything else look badly broken ? Yours, SteffenReceived on 2001-01-22 13:36:29