Coda File System

Re: read and write hangs

From: <>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 15:54:37 +0000 (/etc/localtime)
 Hello, Jan and other coda hackers!

> > 21:01:54 DispatchWorker: signal received (seq = 137126)
> Ok, these are a result of pressing ^C to interrupt the hanging process.

 Interesting. Some process must be sending this signal to venus.

> And I think I know who/what locked up. There is probably some volume
> with a CML that is owned by an unusual user (such as root). Any other

 In fact, CML belongs to root, and all the servers are running as root.
Should I run venus and the different server daemons as coda user?

> Probably around this point even simple cfs operations are beginning to
> fail (they need a worker thread as well), and before you know it even

 Yes, it fails.

 Than you for your help!



Received on 2001-08-13 09:45:43