Coda File System

Re: read and write hangs

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 09:59:33 -0400
On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 03:54:37PM +0000, wrote:
>  Hello, Jan and other coda hackers!
> > > 21:01:54 DispatchWorker: signal received (seq = 137126)
> >
> > Ok, these are a result of pressing ^C to interrupt the hanging process.
>  Interesting. Some process must be sending this signal to venus.
> > And I think I know who/what locked up. There is probably some volume
> > with a CML that is owned by an unusual user (such as root). Any other
>  In fact, CML belongs to root, and all the servers are running as root.
> Should I run venus and the different server daemons as coda user?

Not really necessary, but you will have to give root a Coda token so
that it can reintegrate the changes. Coda doesn't allow a user with
userid '0', so you need to authenticate by using the <username> argument
to clog.

    # whoami
    # clog some_codauser
    Password: xxx

It is possible to use a crontab entry to refresh the token for the
server processes. Put the password in a file in /etc that cannot be read
by ordinary users (owner root.root, chmod 600) and add a crontab entry
that looks like the following,

    # crontab -e
    * 9 * * * * ( cat /etc/coda_password | clog -pipe some_codauser )

Received on 2001-08-13 09:59:45