Coda File System

Re: worker::main Got a bogus opcode 3

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 08:24:07 -0400
On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 08:59:28AM +0200, Arnaud ASSAD wrote:
> >What version of Coda are you running? The upcall that it rejects is
> >CODA_OPEN_BY_FD, which was introduced in the userspace daemon around
> >the end of August of 2000, i.e. it was already included in Coda 5.3.9.
> >
> >The Linux kernel started using this 'new' upcall as of 2.4.4, which was
> >released only a few months ago.
> >
> As my kernel is 2.4.5 and beccause of what is said above, culdwe assume
> that it's not (only) kernel related  ?

It is completely kernel related. If you want to use kernel 2.4.4 or
later, you simply have to use Coda 5.3.9 or a more recent version.

As far as the installation problems are concerned. The rpms that we
distribute are compiled on a RedHat 5.2 machine, which gives some rpm
versioning problems on Mandrake or SuSe (or even more recent RedHat

If lwp/rpc2 and rvm install without problems, install their 'xxx-dev'
packages, grab the coda-5.3.15-1.src.rpm and try to build it, it should be
almost as easy as...

    rpm -i coda-5.3.15-1.src.rpm
    rpm -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/coda.spec

If it fails for you, I know someone at CMU who uses Mandrake, and he
might give up some of his CPU cycles to compile it.

Received on 2001-08-20 08:24:13