Coda File System

Re: LWP on top of pthreads

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 16:01:24 -0400
On Thu, Sep 18, 2003 at 10:16:45PM +0300, Jarkko Tolvanen wrote:
> > I used the test programs from the lwp/src directory myself (and ofcourse
> > venus/codasrv).
> >
> >> (I updated LWP 1.10 with some pthreaded LWP changes I could found from
> >> the CVS repository with viewcvs)
> >
> > Yeah, some of those changes in CVS are definitely required to run with
> > venus.
> >
> > Jan
> Thanks for your reply. So the test program should in principle work with
> pthreaded LWP? I'm using Redhat 8.3. Maybe I have to also double check
> that I have everything new from CVS, as I only manually copied new stuff
> from there after unzipping lwp-1.10, instead of running any cvs checkout
> command.

Ok, I just tried and noticed 2 things. First of all something changed
with the way libtool identifies sources. The lines in that
do "mv fasttime.o fasttime_pt.o" and "mv timer.o timer_pt.o" have to be

But basically if you run "./configure --enable-pthread ; make" it will
build the test programs linked against liblwp_pt in the src-pt

The testprograms are named cswitch_pt, rw_pt, tdb_pt and testlwp_pt.
Ok, it looks like there is a problem with terminating all threads
nicely, when the testprograms finish they fail to exit and start
burning 100% CPU.

> The reason why I'm trying to use and understand pthreaded LWP on Linux is
> just that after finding Open POSIX Test Suite I started as a learning
> exercise to write Posix thread functions for Symbian OS (*), so that I
> could run the test cases succesfully on my mobile phone. Now I'm looking
> at something simple to try and run on top of pthreads, and LWP also could
> open path to trying to port Coda client one day.

Coda on your cellphone :) I like the idea. Does Symbian provide a TCP/IP
stack that can be used for data transfers over GSM?

Received on 2003-09-18 16:02:38