(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
Hi, after searching docs and mailinglist I am not sure, if Coda heavily depends on a functioning /etc/hosts (or dns) infrastructure. I would prefer to use ip addresses instead, example given: venus-setup 20000 instead of venus-setup host1.test1 20000 so that I don't have to care about hostnames, FQDNs and so on. I fear, however, that's not possible, http://www.coda.cs.cmu.edu/misc/vice-db-servers.html [..]All of the stuff inside the codasrv process doesn't directly use ip-addresses, but uses the 'serverid'. [..] And all these files apparently use the hostname instead of the ip address: [root_at_redhat80 progs]# find /vice -exec grep -ln host1 {} \; /vice/db/servers /vice/db/scm /vice/db/VSGDB /vice/db/vicetab /vice/misc/UpdateClntLog /vice/vol/remote/host1.list /vice/vol/BigVolumeList /vice/hostname Is there a switch during setup to forget the hostnames and only rely on ip addresses? Or am I completely missing the point and it's already described in the howto's (hopefully not ;) Thank you for your help. Cheers, -- Josef SchwarzReceived on 2003-10-17 09:35:55