Coda File System

Re: venus errors, problems connecting to server

Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 00:53:29 +0200
On Tuesday 27 April 2004 22:36, Jan Harkes wrote:
> > So the old IP address of the server must be somewhere in the cache, but
> > where? And how can I change that? (grep turned not out to be very
> > useful.)

> A complete client reinit wil ofcourse always do the trick, but you will
> lose the logged mutations and will have to re-hoard everything.

I flushed the clients caches, and that solved the problem indeed.

Thanks again!
Don't bother us with politics, respond those who don't want to learn. - 
Richard Stallman
Received on 2004-04-27 18:55:22
Binary file ./codalist-2004/6360.html matches