(Illustration by Gaich Muramatsu)
I have made another release of Coda: ftp.coda.cs.cmu.edu:/pub/coda/src/coda-4.3.3.tgz Differences: - coda.h further streamlined - much better support for Linux 2.1 - compiles, but doesn't work under glibc (thanks: Elliot Lee) - should compile under Debian (thanks: Jan Harkes) - potential hazard in Linux 2.0 kernel code fixed (coda_venus_readdir) - much better signal and timeout handling in kernel code (2.0 & 2.1) emacs is now totally happy. I hope to make some rpms and a documentation tar ball pretty soon too, but the existing documentation rpm is not too much out of date. (Well??). - Peter -Received on 1997-12-21 17:47:42