Coda File System


From: Brian Coghlan <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 14:37:36 +0100
>On Mon, Jul 10, 2000 at 12:29:13PM +0100, Brian Coghlan wrote:
>> I have what appears to be an interaction between ypbind and Coda, which
>>   yields the following response to /etc/rc.d/init.d/auth2.init start
>> > Starting  Auth Server......
>> > [11:21:44]Main Process: "rpc2b.c", line 124:    RPC2_Init(): Couldn't
>> > create socket
>> >
>> > Date: Thu 06/29/2000
>> >
>> > 11:21:44 RPC2_Init failed with RPC2_BADSERVER (F)
>> i.e. it appears to fail when trying to create a socket.
>It fails on the getservbyname call:
>        switch (pvar->Tag) {
>        case RPC2_PORTBYNAME:
>                sentry = getservbyname(pvar->Value.Name, "udp");
>                if (sentry == NULL)
>                        return(RPC2_BADSERVER);
>> If I kill the ypbind daemon, auth2 starts up OK.
>I guess your ypbind daemon fails to turn up the codaauth service number.

What do you mean by "fails to turn up the codaauth service number" ?
  This is a reasonably standard RedHat 6.1 installation, with the
  standard yp utilities. There don't seem to be any ports defined
  for yp in /etc/services (should there be ?), and they just seem
  to grab any old ports (e.g. for one run, rpcinfo says ypbind uses
  930 (udp) and 932 (tcp), the next 603 & 605, the next 720 & 722,
  ...). Even if I have managed to start up the Coda daemons, once yp
  is running I can't start up a Coda volume. The two services seem
  to be mutually exclusive.

*  _/_/_/_/_/  _/_/_/  __/_/_/_/  B.A.Coghlan                *
*     _/     _/    _/  _/     _/  Dept.Computer Science      *
*    _/     _/        _/     _/   Trinity College Dublin     *
*   _/     _/        _/     _/    tel : (+3531).6081766      *
*  _/     _/    _/  _/     _/     fax : (+3531).6772204      *
* _/      _/_/_/  __/_/_/_/       email :  *
Received on 2000-07-12 09:38:26