Coda File System

Re: Coda

From: Jan Harkes <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 12:13:33 -0400
On Wed, Jul 12, 2000 at 02:37:36PM +0100, Brian Coghlan wrote:
> >On Mon, Jul 10, 2000 at 12:29:13PM +0100, Brian Coghlan wrote:
> >> i.e. it appears to fail when trying to create a socket.
> >
> >It fails on the getservbyname call:
> >
> >        switch (pvar->Tag) {
> >        case RPC2_PORTBYNAME:
> >                sentry = getservbyname(pvar->Value.Name, "udp");
> >                if (sentry == NULL)
> >                        return(RPC2_BADSERVER);
> >
> >> If I kill the ypbind daemon, auth2 starts up OK.
> >
> >I guess your ypbind daemon fails to turn up the codaauth service number.
> >
> >Jan
> What do you mean by "fails to turn up the codaauth service number" ?
>   This is a reasonably standard RedHat 6.1 installation, with the
>   standard yp utilities. There don't seem to be any ports defined
>   for yp in /etc/services (should there be ?), and they just seem

Ok, a fairly standard RedHat has the following line in /etc/nsswitch.conf:

    services:   nisplus [NOTFOUND=return] files

This makes the getservbyname return a failure in the case that nis+ is
running (i.e. ypbind) and the getservbyname lookup fails. If nis+ is not
available it will fall back on /etc/services, which does have the Coda

So you either have to remove the "[NOTFOUND=return]" statement, or add
the Coda ports to whatever database your NIS installation is exporting.


For reference, here is the set of ports that Coda needs, I am not sure
where to add them to have them show up in NIS queries:

    # Coda filesystem port numbers
    rpc2portmap     369/udp    # Coda portmapper
    codaauth2       370/udp    # Coda authentication server
    venus           2430/tcp   # codacon port
    venus           2430/udp   # Venus callback/wbc interface 
    venus-se        2431/udp   # udp sftp side effect
    codasrv         2432/udp   # server port
    codasrv-se      2433/udp   # udp sftp side effect
Received on 2000-07-12 12:14:24